Suspected drunk driver hits multiple cars | Renton Police Blotter

From the Renton police log.

Suspected drunk driver hits multiple cars: At 11:36 p.m. Jan. 21, officers responded to reports of an intoxicated driver involved in a collision in the 17800 block of 109th Ave. SE. Officers learned from the reporting party that she had been struck by the suspect’s vehicle in Kent. They followed the car into Renton, where the witness saw the suspect hit another vehicle before coming to a stop and exiting her car. Officers arrested the female driver on suspicion of driving under the influence.

Man arrested for assault: At 1:57 p.m. Jan. 23, near South 2nd Street and Main Ave. S., there was a report of an assault perpetrated via hands and feet. Officers then located the suspect and learned he had a felony warrant. He was arrested and booked into jail.

Girlfriend threatens man with a knife: At 11:11 p.m. Jan. 23 in the 300 block of Wells Ave. S., officers responded to a domestic disturbance with a knife. Officers then learned that the victim said his girlfriend/roommate threatened him with a knife and physically assaulted him. The female was on the scene, and she was arrested on suspicion of felony harassment and booked into jail.

Drugs out in the open: At 10:49 p.m. Jan. 24, in the 200 block of Williams Ave. S., officers responded to a suspicious parked vehicle. Officers observed an off-white powdery substance scattered around the surface of the gear shift on the center console, two baggies that appeared to contain a white powdery substance, and a clear jar in the front center cup holder containing chunks of an off-white crystal-like substance. The registered owner of the running vehicle could not be located, and the vehicle was subsequently towed to the Renton Police Department’s evidence garage.