Renton PD helps with security at presidential inauguration

Officers maintained static security for the motorcade that traveled from Congress to the White House.

Out of 3,600 police officers providing security on inauguration day in Washington, D.C., the Renton Police Department had six officers assisting in the affair.

The Renton Police Department, alongside the Kent, Port of Seattle, Tukwila, Auburn and Federal Way police departments, sent officers to the U.S. presidential inauguration on Jan. 20 to inaugurate the 47th president, Donald Trump. However, RPD spokesperson Meeghan Black said the team was asked and accepted the duties well before the election.

Black said years ago, an RPD sergeant was involved in a training on the East Coast and got Renton on the list of agencies to be requested for large-scale events such as the inauguration. Black said that sergeant thinks most major agencies are asked to participate in the inauguration.

“It’s a great opportunity. Upholding the constitution is a big deal, especially in policing,” RPD Sgt. Bill Judd said. “It was an honor to take part in the process.”

Black said the RPD officers assisted in maintaining static security for the motorcade that traveled from Congress to the White House. According to Black, RPD wanted to join because assisting with security at the inauguration was a great way to get experience and learn from agencies that do crowd management routinely. She said it was also an opportunity to meet others and network.

Black said Sgt. Bill Judd, Commander Chandler Swain, Officer Matt Mazure, Sgt. Scott Woodward, Officer Nick Sanger, and Officer Mike Thompson attended. She added that the Inauguration Committee pays for expenses.