Renton grants available for city-recognized recognized neigborhoods

The City of Renton is offering 2011 mini grants to qualifying neighborhoods.

Mini grants are available to neighborhood organizations and associations that have applied for and received official recognition and are considered current through the City of Renton’s Neighborhood Program.

Mini grants are new to the Neighborhood Program this year and expand the options available for Renton residents.  Mini grants up to $1,000 are available for programs or projects when matched through sweat equity or neighborhood funds and must be completed in the year for which they are applied.

The grant allows neighborhoods to take advantage of opportunities for projects such as neighborhood cleanup, physical improvements, meeting space rental, or educational workshops.

Applications will be accepted throughout the year while funds are available.  Grants will be awarded based on the project’s merit.

A workshop will be held May 11, 2011, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m., at Renton City Hall for those interested.  To RSVP or for more information, contact Neighborhood Program Coordinator Norma McQuiller at 425-430-6595 or or Neighborhood Program Assistant Wendy Kirchner at 425-430-6594 or