Mark Martinez to run for Renton City Council

Longtime Renton resident Mark Martinez has announced he will run for the seat on the Renton City Council being vacated by King Parker.

Mark and his wife Aubrey have four children. In his announcement about his candidacy, Martinez said he understands “the hardships many families have gone through in this economy.”

Martinez said he understands the importance of a strong community and public service, the reason he gives for running for the City Council.

“I am running because I feel I have more to do by way of community service. The City Council is, to me, a natural transition after 10 years of service in the Marines and two deployments to Iraq.  My desire to serve the people of Renton stems from my love of my community; hopefully, this time, no one will shoot at me,” he said.

Martinez pointed out that citizens will be asked to make hard decisions about the Renton Library and Skyway annexations. He said he wants to listen to the concerns of Renton’s residents and represent them on the council.

Martinez indicated that his background in accounting and economics  will “bring a much-needed perspective to Renton government.”