Council proclamation pays tribute to Renton volunteers

Renton Mayor Armondo Pavone proclaimed April 2024 National Volunteer Awareness Month during the April 22 meeting of the Renton City Council.

“April is National Volunteer Month, an opportunity to shine a light on the people and causes that inspire us to serve and to thank volunteers who lend their time, talent, and voices to make a difference and improve the world,” said Renton City Clerk Jason Seth on behalf of the mayor.

Through his proclamation, the mayor also gave specific thanks to people who serve the community online, at the office, at the local food bank — or with their vote, voice, or wallet. He also recognized volunteers who connect with their community through aid with youth athletics, senior programs and events, park projects, emergency management, the Renton Farmers Market, and police programs and events.

Maryjane Van Cleave with the city’s parks and recreation department took the stage to pass on the proclamation’s acceptance to Renton’s volunteer coordinator, Teresa Nishi.

“I do want to acknowledge that Teresa Nishi has been with the city for 24 years, and she’s been overseeing this program for well over a decade. She has done so with tireless energy,” Van Cleave said. “If you know Teresa, you know there’s a thing called ‘Event Mode.’ Teresa gets into event mode, and she is just like this Energizer Bunny from start to finish. She has been at every single one of these events, caring for every single detail. She’s gracious and will never acknowledge how hard she works, but she is phenomenal.”

Nishi went on to thank the Renton volunteers, citing that over 600 individuals have volunteered their time to make Renton’s programs, youth athletics and special events successful.

“I want to say we do have amazing volunteers in Renton, and acknowledge the volunteers that sit on our boards and commissions also because they’re also giving up their time. So thank you so much for your 24 years of service,” Mayor Pavone said. The City of Renton then held a volunteer appreciation event April 24.

In other council action

• Chief Administrative Officer Ed VanValey announced Renton River Days, which will be held from July 26 through July 28, with the parade on July 27. VanValey said this festival united the growing and diverse community of Renton. He cited that last year’s Renton River Days attracted over 25,000 attendees.

• Renton’s public works maintenance services was approved to purchase a 2024 Peterbilt 548 Gap Vax Truck for $611,259.78 and a 2016 Peterbilt 567 Cement Mixer Truck for $140,760. Councilmember Valerie O’Halloran noted that the cement truck will allow Renton to pour more sidewalks quickly.