Dart chased down by truck | POLICE BLOTTER

The following information was compiled from Renton Police Department case reports.

The following information was compiled from Renton Police Department case reports.

A revved-up turbo extended-cab pickup truck followed a 1966 Dodge Dart down the Houser Way bypass Nov. 7, getting close enough to almost strike the Dart’s rear end.

The two vehicles turned right onto North Eighth Street, but the pickup slowed to keep pace next to the Dart.

Leaning out the pickup’s window, a passenger repeatedly slammed the butt of an 8-inch hunting knife with a hook against the Dart’s driver’s-side passenger window.

A man in his 20s screamed, “why you got to be that way bro, stop your car, bro.”

The Dart’s driver, a 35-year-old Renton man who had a passenger with him, pulled into the Fry’s parking lot and called police. The pickup took off toward Northeast 10th Street.

The Dart driver told officers he and his passenger feared for their lives and had no idea why the people in the pickup were so angry.

He followed all the traffic laws and would not speed up just because they threatened to run him over.

Woman left purse in store

A 92-year-old woman told officers several men snatched her purse Nov. 7 as she was getting into her car at a thrift store on Sunset Boulevard.

The men then fled, but she couldn’t describe the car or the direction they traveled, saying she was so thrown off.

She described her purse and its contents, including a wallet and cash. She wasn’t injured.

The next day, the Goodwill store called police to report the woman’s purse had been found on a display table next to others that were for sale.

The officer took the purse to the woman’s home. Nothing was missing from the purse.

She thought she had left the purse in the store but she also had started thinking that several men in the parking lot had stolen it.

Mortar firework damages porch

A Renton man watching TV at about 11:30 p.m. Nov. 8 heard a loud bang and for a minute his front porch appeared to be on fire.

Someone had thrown a large mortar firework on his decking, causing a large hole in the deck and causing burn marks on boards. Damage was estimated at about $500.

He has no idea why someone would want to damage his porch on Mount Baker Avenue Northeast.

Teen robbed of cellphone

A cellphone was stolen during a strong-arm robbery of a 16-year-old boy at about noon Nov. 10 while he was walking with a friend in the 800 block of Harrington Avenue Northeast.

The victim told officers he heard someone running up behind him. He turned and a male approximately 20 years told him to hand over his cellphone.

The victim refused and the suspect tried to hit him in the head. The suspect ran home to safety and the suspect turned and fled.

The friend confirmed the victim’s story. A white Cadillac is possibly associated with the robbery.

No TV but he had heroin

A tale a Seattle man told Renton officers at about 9:45 p.m. Nov. 6 that he was at the back of a closed Fry’s Electronics to pick up a TV he hadn’t paid for seemed unlikely.

Someone in the had already tried to pick up the TV at the front of the store but was told to come back the next day.

The officer decided to arrest him on a warrant for driving with his license suspended. The man moved slowly when asked to get out of the car, which concerned the officer.

The suspect had a concealed pistol under his shirt stuck in his waist band, for which he had a permit. “I have my gun on me,” he told officers.

In searching the man, an officer found a brown tar-like substance wrapped in foil and smelling of vinegar in his left breast pocket. Officers found something similar in a pouch attached to a key chain.

The substance later tested positive as .9 grams of heroin. He was arrested for investigation of drug possession and the warrant and booked into the SCORE regional jail.

A cab was called for the passenger with him.