Construction will start in October on two major renovation projects at Renton’s Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park.
The first project starts on Monday, Oct. 17, and will make critical repairs and upgrades to the north water walk, including:
Replacing the existing concrete deck panels with 60% light penetrating fiberglass grating and concrete panels to improve fish habitat and match the newer deck at Ivar’s.
Wrapping the existing support piles to increase longevity.
– Installing steel framing.
– Replacing all timber components with plastic timber.
– Repainting existing light poles and guardrails.
– Repainting the existing Pilot House.
– Installing fiberglass picnic float grating.
– Refurbishing picnic float benches and tables.
The work will require closing the North water walk structure, day moorage and finger piers, as well as the picnic floats. Completion of the project is scheduled for September 2023.
All work will comply with the city’s Department of Natural Resources Aquatic lease.
The second project starts on Monday, Oct. 31. It replaces the trestle bridge, a critical component of the park’s popular pedestrian walkway. The bridge is just North of the restrooms and Sailing Center.
A clear-span steel bridge will provide a viewpoint along the pedestrian trail and include interpretive signage. The project will also remove all 58 existing in-water piles and include new light penetrating decking to enhance fish habitat.
Replacing the trestle bridge will require the closure of the park’s North end, from the North turn around to the North pedestrian gate. The closure is required because emergency vehicles cannot access this area during construction. Completion is scheduled for March 2023.
The city’s Parks Planning and Development division is overseeing the projects. Current project information is on their parks project page and on the Coulon Park page.