I have a feeling if you are reading this column online or in print, it means you try to keep up with local news coverage.
Good for you. Keeping in touch with the local community helps residents make sound decisions every day and in the ballot box.
I also am going to guess that the vast majority of our readers have an opinion about the issues we cover. The proof is in the comment threads. While most people will stick to the comment section and online threads, some like to send us a letter to the editor.
I love these letters. It really excites me to see something from a reader in my inbox or in an envelope on my desk. Not all letters are kind. Actually in my experience, most letters are critiques of our work (critique being the kindest way to describe them), but to me it still means someone took the time to learn more and be involved. These readers felt passionate enough to take the time to type out something or write something on paper.
I get paid to read, write and edit, but our readers don’t, so I know it means taking time out of busy schedules to make your voice heard.
I’m going to try to write a regular column, and I hope it spurs more letters and notes from our readers. I hope it ignites conversations around Renton. I hope it makes people look outside of their safe bubble and try to see how others view things.
I encourage more readers to email me letters for publication.
Renton readers, if you have something to say, send me a letter to dchastaine@rentonreporter.com by 8 a.m. Monday mornings for the upcoming publication. Please keep letters to a maximum of 300 words. Letters may be edited for spelling and grammar.
I’m also looking for local guest opinion writers with a unique perspective.
If you are local to the area, have writing experience, and represent a group of people who don’t get heard enough often, please email me your resume along with two or three writing samples.
I can’t wait to meet our readers face-to-face next week at our Coffee with the Editor event. From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, May 30, I’ll be at Boon Boona Coffee, 724 S. 3rd St., Renton, to talk about how our paper can continue to improve coverage of your city. I hope between now and then, and after, that I’ll see more readers involved in our publications.
Let’s make the paper hyper-local together.