City offers passport to heart health

The City of Renton has teamed up with local businesses to introduce the “Passport to a Healthy Heart.”

This new twist has been added to the Renton Heart Month campaign, which is designed to increase awareness about heart health.

Citizens are encouraged to pick up a passport at any participating businesses or any Renton fire station and to get started gathering needed stamps by having a free blood pressure and blood sugar screening, and learning more about cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of an automatic external defibrillator (AED).

Once the passport is complete, participants can register at participating businesses to be entered in the drawing for prizes. Passports will be available throughout February at all participating businesses: IKEA, Brotherton Cadillac, Uwajimaya, happy delusions, King & Bunnys Appliance, McLendon Hardware, Target, Lowes, LA Fitness and two Fred Meyer locations. Go to for more locations to get your passport and information on how to get started being heart smart and healthy.

Mayor Denis Law will officially kick off the campaign when he proclaims February Renton Heart Month Feb. 1 at the City Council meeting at City Hall. At the same time a special presentation will be held to recognize all Renton Heart Month partners.

Sudden cardiac arrest continues to be the leading cause of death in the nation and the driving force behind this event. Each year firefighters provide free screenings in fire stations and at various locations throughout the community in an effort to reach people with this life saving information. Last year more than 4,000 screenings were provided by firefighters, with 822 people being identified as being at risk for a heart attack or stroke.

“The Passport to a Healthy Heart is a great way to encourage people to get a screening and learn more about their risk of heart disease,” said interim Fire Chief Mark Peterson. “Many people don’t realize they are at risk or how to go about reducing the risk; these screenings really do save lives.”

Participating businesses are supporting the campaign by assisting with the distribution of the passports and providing space at their locations for the free screenings and a place to enter into the prize drawing. For their help each business has the opportunity to be entered into a drawing for an Automatic External Defibrillator, donated by Cardiac Science, which supports the Renton Fire & Emergency Services public access defibrillator program.

For more information on all Renton Heart Month activities go to or call 425-430-7000.