City council meets tonight at 7

On the agenda tonight is a special presentation on citizen commendations from Fire and Emergency Services and a presentation on the Return to Renton Car Show.

The Renton City Council meets at 7 p.m. tonight, Monday, for its regular council meeting.

On the agenda tonight is a special presentation on citizen commendations from Fire and Emergency Services and a presentation on the Return to Renton Car Show.

Also on the agenda is a resolution from the transportation committee regarding the Interstate-405 north Renton Interchange Turnback Agreement with WSDOT and the second reading of the second-quarter budget amendment.

Prior to the regular meeting, the council will meet for its committee of the whole meeting. Tonight, the Committee of the Whole will receive a briefing on regional issues and on emerging issues in economic development.

The Committee of the Whole meets at 6 p.m. in the Seventh Floor Conferencing Center.

The regular council meeting begins at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

To see the full agenda, visit