AllpakTrojan safety recognized

AllpakTrojan, an award-winning printing and packaging company, has reached a milestone in safety standards by reaching one million hours without a lost time incident, the company has announced.

Only nine other manufacturing companies in the country have reached this target. And AllpakTrojan reached it once before in 2005. According to industry leaders, fewer than 1 percent of manufacturing companies in the U.S. ever achieve this.

To recognize AllpakTrojan’s award, Washington Employers will recognize company emmployees on Oct. 14 at their Renton plant. In addition, 10 “Brightest Idea” awards will be given out to employees who reported a safety issue and developed a safety solution to the problem.

“One of the primary objectives of our organization is ensuring the safety and well-being of our work force each and every day.  It is extremely gratifying to achieve this level, particularly considering that it translates to nearly three years of operations,” said Steve Bean, AllpakTrojan vice president of manufacturing, in a press release.