Robin Jones took time to explain the issues

I am a younger, new voter who was very impressed when Robin Jones, candidate for Renton City Council, knocked on my door.

I am a younger, new voter who was very impressed when Robin Jones, candidate for Renton City Council, knocked on my door.

Robin took the time to talk to me about issues that I was interested in.  Robin addressed the concerns about all the vacant business in the City of Renton.

I was particularly concerned about the Cascade Shopping area and all the businesses that have moved from there. Robin explained to me that downtown there are a lot of empty car lots, and other businesses in the city that have been vacant for years. Robin explained to me that the empty businesses also meant that we are not getting any sales tax revenue for Renton. I think that Renton needs to make Renton better and not just concentrate on making the city bigger. I am going to vote for Robin Jones.

Please join me.

Latasha Lutz
