Lindbergh High School competed in the Boys 2A Regionals tournament on Sat, Feb. 15, which determined which wrestlers would be moving on to State. The tournament was held at White River High School in Buckley.
At the Regionals tournament, wrestlers must place first through fourth to qualify for State. Lindbergh has four wrestlers headed to State;
•Senior Dmytro Hayday — In the 170 pound weight class he placed third.
• Sophomore Jeff Myers — In the 182 pound weight class he placed second.
•Sophomore Treavor Atkins — In the 220 pound weight class he placed second.
• Senior Matt Haines — In the 285 pound weight class he placed third
Lindbergh additionally had 3 wrestlers place 5th, qualifying them as an Alternate for State:
•Junior Chris Lucas — In the 152 pound weight class.
•Junior Devon Sanberg — In the 160 pound weight class.
•Freshman Josue Del Rio — In the 195 pound weight class.