Standing with women in a changing world | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

The role of women today is so much different, so much more than ever before. We are athletes, we are world leaders, we are leading in the household, leading in the workplace and in my case we are surviving in traditionally male-dominated professions.

The role of women today is so much different, so much more than ever before. We are athletes, we are world leaders, we are leading in the household, leading in the workplace and in my case we are surviving in traditionally male-dominated professions.

When I chose to follow my interest in cars, my dad warned me it wouldn’t be easy. I took a high school course and then signed up for college courses in Advance Automotive Technology. One of the instructors tried to force another to cancel my registration because I would be an “unfair distraction” to the boys in the class.

I completed the course anyway.

After graduating I got a job at Sears in the automotive department where I was chosen to perform every dirty, backbreaking job that came up. Then one day, a peep hole appeared in the women’s dressing room wall. No investigation was initiated; instead the lockers were simply moved to cover the hole.

Throughout my career I have endured other incidents and have, in general, not been taken seriously when it comes to cars. I have missed promotions and received lower wages than my male counterparts for decades.

I pushed through these challenges because I love what I do. But the system has been rigged against women far too long. It’s time we take action and fight for fair treatment of women in all aspects of society.

I have joined a movement to Stand With Women. It’s about fighting for what women deserve: freedom, fairness and opportunity. It’s something I encourage every resident including elected officials in Renton to consider.

I stand with women.

Laura Waite,

Jay’s Professional Automotive,
