Metro, state need to live within means | Letter to the editor

Proposition 1 in my opinion shows the complete lack of responsibility being taken by the members of the King County Transportation (KCTD), King County Council, Metro and the Washington Department of Transportation (WDOT).

Proposition 1 in my opinion shows the complete lack of responsibility being taken by the members of the King County Transportation (KCTD), King County Council, Metro and the Washington Department of Transportation (WDOT). This is the easy way for them to address the many problems facing the KCTD, WADOT and Metro Transit without having to take responsibility for their actions.

The state Department of Licensing has become the cash cow for politician’s and elected officials.

My recent license plate renewal has the following fees and additions; Filing Fee $3, RTA Tax $29 (Metro) License fee $30, Weight base fee $10, License service fee $0.75, Replacement plate fee $20 ($30 if you wish to keep your old plate number) Plate reflectorization fee $4, Congestion reduction charge $20. Now for the next 10 years they are asking for a $60.00 vehicle fee, a 0.1% increase in the state sales tax. Don’t forget the governor and the state Department of Transportation also have plans to increase the gas tax, user fees and what other taxes they can construe.

Metro has been mismanaged for years and DOT needs to manage within the available funds. It’s time for our elected officials look at other methods of reducing costs and manage within the available funds they have, like everyone else has to.

Should this sales and use tax fee be approved by the voters? A resounding NO.

Harry Kodis, Renton