Renton Councilmember, Mayor Law support Armondo Pavone
Dear editor,
For over 20 years, Armondo Pavone has been an advocate for making Renton a better place for people to live, work and raise their family’s. He started as a local business owner who wanted to see the downtown area become successful. He not only helped with the revitalization of the business community, but also used his knowledge and abilities to help make Renton an inclusive community where everybody can live and prosper together.
Six years ago he took his work a big step forward by becoming a Renton City Councilmember. He has worked effectively with his fellow council members and Mayor Denis Law to build a positive vision for the future of Renton. He has shown his ability to help build consensus, putting the needs of our residents first.
We believe our next mayor needs to step in ready to make decisions that will influence how residents live for decades. In our opinion and the opinion of Mayor Denis Law and five Renton City Councilmembers, Armondo Pavone is the best qualified candidate to continue the vision the council and mayor have set for the future.
Join us in voting for Armondo Pavone to be the next Mayor of Renton.
Don Persson,
Renton City Council, and
Norma McQuiller,
City of Renton Neighborhood
Program Coordinator, Retired
Reader says no candidates stand out
Dear editor,
The forum held at Renton Technical College last week revealed no stand-out candidates for mayor or city council, and statements made were lukewarm at best. One person could have spoken for all. There was no awareness of the fact there is a climate crisis, and that our Cedar River is a critical part of the Lake Washington watershed and Chinook Salmon recovery.
No-one addressed the possibility of more environmentally friendly development standards in Renton. I asked the following question for the mayoral candidates, “Renton markets itself as a city ‘Ahead of the Curve.’ There are two large scale developments planned in downtown, on the river, close to a park. Given current climate change concerns, and endangered salmon runs, will you take a stand to support ecological stewardship, and make funds available and pursue funding to restore salmon habitat? Or, will your position be that it’s too cost prohibitive for development by putting in place standards that lessen negative impacts and support habitat restoration?”
The substance of this question remained unanswered neither was interested. Their focus was on how we could use the natural resource for our own entertainment and indulgence. The state has made millions available for salmon recovery.
The Renton finance committee is scheduling a public hearings on Oct. 21 related to the proposed 2019-20 mid-bienium budget. It will outline revenue sources and budget adjustments. Will part of the budget be assigned to issues related to environmental and ecological stewardship, including, habitat restoration along the Cedar River for Chinook salmon recovery. If not, why not? is a nonprofit organization that has been working with the Portland City Parks and Recreation department to assist developers and landowners maintain and restore Salmon-safe standards for design, construction and ongoing site development. If the City of Shoreline can become ‘Salmon Safe Certified,’ why can’t we?
Make our city ‘Ahead of the Curve,’ with regards ecological and environmental stewardship.
Nicola Robinson
Hospital asks for support
Dear editor,
Valley is a public hospital and the taxes you pay help to cover the cost of operating the hospital. The bonds that you pay for with your tax dollars have helped to build clinics, hospital buildings and cover uncompensated care ($20 million this past year alone). It also has provided bond monies for construction on our main campus. We cover an area from I-90 to the north part of Auburn with our services within the boundaries of the district.
I have enjoyed being on the Board of Commissioners this past six years. It was tiring at first with the controversies over Mr. Roodman’s salary but when the new board was going to be seated (including myself), the hospital board quickly voted an almost 24 percent reduction with additional take-aways that I found fair. This was done after my election but before I started on Jan. 1.
In addition the lawsuit that had been presented to the Washington Supreme Court was rejected and sent back to the lower courts. Some members of the board protested but I said it goes back to the lower court and depending on the lower court’s ruling we would abide by it. The court stated there was no merit in the remainder of the issues so the case was closed.
Since that time the board’s status has been much more stable. We have refinanced the existing bonds as they become available to do so at much lower rates than before and have not issued any new bonds in the past six years. The hospital remains stable and profit margins, although slim, cover our expenses with something to spare. I promoted the idea of a rainy day fund held by the commissioners which has increased the margins of the board’s obligation by a small amount.
Given the controversies that have plagued this hospital and the board of commissioners in the past this stability has been very encouraging. The affiliation with the University of Washington hospital has provided for access to care not provided by Valley Medical Center. Near the end of the next six years it will be up for review.
I hope you find this enlightening as you go to the polls. I appreciate your support.
Tamara J Sleeter, M.D.