If you miss the snow, take heart: winter’s just begun

I like the snow just as well as the next kid. But as I age, I find my patience is wearing thin. Enough already.

I like the snow just as well as the next kid. But as I age, I find my patience is wearing thin. Enough already.

The snow did give us a white Christmas, the first that I can remember in a long time. But that same snow and ice probably filled a lot of us with angst as we tried to get ready for family get-togethers on Christmas Eve and on The Big Day.

I know my family’s plans seemed to change by the minute as we figured out who would make it to dinner and with whom.

We did get our Christmas shopping done – with the help of a few well-chosen gift cards. Now the fun part comes – spending those gift cards and figuring out whether that new shirt really fits.

But, back to the snow.

The next big storm, as expected, hit on Christmas Eve. It sent hundreds of maintenance workers – including a truckload in Renton – back to the streets and probably meant that many missed the holiday with their families. We owe them a big thank-you for all the work they’ve done over the past few weeks as we’ve tried to cope with this unusual weather event.

I did the best I could. I got snow tires put on the two cars we are willing to send into the snow fray. I feel like a tank now, but rest assured, I was not overconfident. The same can’t be said about the guy who went roaring by me on the downward slide on the old Benson Road near City Hall. Oh, how I wish I had the power to hand out tickets.

But I take solace that in a similar situation a couple years ago, a similarly over-confident driver passed me in a roar – and right past a state trooper.

The trooper tried to catch his attention to slow down but was ignored. He turned around and gave chase. I gave him a thumbs up. I drove by and the driver was getting a tongue-lashing from the trooper and maybe even a ticket. So there is snow justice.

Anyway, winter has just begun. We’ll probably get more snow. But, by gosh, no one can tell us we don’t know how to cope with it.