Elfers is right about health care | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

I wanted to thank Richard Elfers for articulating the story surrounding attempts by the Trump administration to repeal and replace Obamacare with another health care insurance program. The opinion voiced by Mr. Elfers resonated with us, and was well-written, and balanced in it’s approach to this complex subject.

We only hope that there are voices of reason among our Congressional representatives on both side of the aisle, that can eventually put aside harsh, and extreme positions on this subject, and reach a compromise on an improved version of Obamacare. If not, then the downside will be continually rising costs to healthcare consumers through rapidly increasing prices for doctor and hospital care, and drugs, resulting in accelerating insurance premiums that exceed acceptable levels, and leave people with no choice but to opt out of a broken system.

Let’s hope, that eventually, a substantially revised healthcare insurance system is delivered to us by our representatives that is really fair, and equitable to all consumers, and taxpayers.

Thank you,

David Jackson
