Arlene Elizabeth Perez

Arlene Elizabeth Perez

Arlene Elizabeth Perez passed away on August 22, 2015 at her home.

She has 5 surviving children, Darlene Wilson, Mike Perez, Jesse Perez, Evelyn Patricelli and Timothy Perez. She also left behind many grandchildren and many more great grandchildren. Arlene lived a full life.

Arlene was born on April 10, 1933 in Los Angeles California. She moved to Washington in the late 60’s with her children in tow, she moved to Lynwood, West Seattle and finally settled in Renton where she lived for 20 plus years.

The best part of Arlene’s life was all of her children, grand and great grandchildren, antiques and of course all of her friends. Many of her friends she had in the Renton business community that she frequently visited, (OK everyday)! LOL. Arlene will be dearly missed by her friend’s but mostly her family. She was loved by all who knew her. Arlene was an awesome mother and friend.

Love you mom, miss you so much already!

There will be a remembrance of Arlene’s life on September 5, 2015, 1:00 pm, at her home. After the remembrance there will be a pot luck lunch, so please bring your favorite dish and share some memories with all.