Washout closes White Pass in Cascades to through traffic

White Pass over the Cascades is closed in both directions to through traffic because of a washout of the roadway, according to the Washington State Department of Transportation.

White Pass over the Cascades is closed in both directions to through traffic because of a washout of the roadway, according to the Washington State Department of Transportation.

The closure U.S. Highway 12 is from milepost 183 near the Oak Creek feeding station to milepost 138, one mile west of the State Routed 410 Junction with State Route 123.

The washout is near milepost 154.5.

An alternate route is available via State Route 410 and State Route 123. Commercial traffic is prohibited on alternate route.

When the roadway will reopen is not immediately known.

From west of the summit, eastbound local traffic will be allowed to proceed from the closure near milepost 138 to the summit near milepost 151.

From east of the summit, westbound local traffic will be allowed to proceed from the closure near milepost 183 to milepost 158 near the upper intersection with the Tieton Road.