Sexual assault and robbery | Renton police blotter

From the Renton police log.

Sexual assault

Renton police were dispatched on Jan. 19 at approximately 10:30 p.m. to collect a sexual assault kit at the Covington Multicare Medical Center. The reporting party, a nurse at the hospital, stated a patient presented at the emergency room stating they were sexually assaulted in Renton. The nurse advised the patient did not want to report the incident nor talk with police, and left the hospital prior to the arrival of officers. The officer collected the sexual assault kit and entered the kit into evidence. “Should the victim be identified and wish to report further, then the case will be assigned to investigations,” stated Sandra Havlik, a spokesperson for the department.


Renton police responded on Jan. 23 at approximately 7:54 p.m. to a report of a robbery in the 400 block of South 2nd Street. According to the department, the victim reported a subject assaulted him and stole his wallet. The victim was able to identify the suspect to police.

Domestic disturbance

Renton police arrested two individuals in a domestic incident on Jan. 28. According to the department, Renton officers were dispatched on Jan. 28 at approximately 3:42 a.m. to a domestic disturbance in progress in the 11900 block of Southeast 175th Street. Officers arrived and located seven individuals inside a home. The individuals reported two separate domestic incidents, with officers arresting two subjects in the incident.