The following road closures are as reported by the city of Renton. All projects are weather permitting and, unless otherwise noted, streets will always remain open.
- Southwest Victoria
Aug 8 to Aug. 10, from 8:30 am to 11:30 am.
Lane closures due to paving downhill onto Southwest Victoria, between Hardie Avenue Southwest and Rainier Avenue South. This will be a three hour road closure for crew safety and will be opened to traffic once the paving is done by 11:30 p.m., the patched area will remain coned off to allow asphalt cooling and should be completely opened to traffic at 3:00 pm, each day of the work.
- South Second and Main Avenue South
Aug. 7 to Sunday, Aug. 13
Lane closures due to road construction for the Second and Main Capital Improvement Project. An approved traffic control plan has been issued and will be followed. Questions can be directed to Keith Wooley, 425-430-7318, or Mark Wetherbee, 206-999-1829.
- Harrington Avenue Northeast and Glenwood Avenue Northeast
Aug. 7 to Sept. 29
Full road closure on Harrington between Sunset Lane Northeast and Harrington Avenue Northeast as well as a full road closure on Harrington Avenue Northeast between Northeast 10th Street and Sunset Lane Northeast will be in place as part of the Sunset Lane Capital Improvement Project. Approved traffic control plans have been issued for all work and will be followed. Questions can be directed to Keith Woolley, 425-430-7318, or Mark Wetherbee, 206-999-1829.
- Park Avenue North, Garden Avenue North, North Third Street, and North Fourth Street
Aug. 7 to August 2018, from 8:30 am to 4:45 pm.
Additional construction traffic due to the construction of Sartori Elementary School at the 300 block of Park Avenue North and Garden Avenue North. Questions may be directed to Patrick DeCaro, 425-207-6013.
- South 14th Street
Aug. 7 to Aug. 13
Road Closure on South 14th Street between Smithers Avenue South through Davis Avenue South for utility construction. Approved traffic control plans have been issued for all work and will be followed. Questions may be directed to Patrick DeCaro, 425-207-6013.
- Union Avenue Northeast
Aug. 7 to Aug. 11, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Northbound lane closure on Union Avenue Northeast near Northeast 27th Place due to utility construction. Approved traffic control plans have been issued for all work and will be followed. Questions may be directed to Brad Stocco, 425-282-2373.
- Northeast Fourth Street
Aug. 7 through Aug. 11, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Intermittent lane closures with localized overnight lane diversion at the 4800 Block of Northeast Fourth Street due to removal and restoration of concrete panels. An approved traffic control plan has been issued and will be followed. Questions can be directed to Todd Freih at 206-999-1832.
- Talbot Road South
Aug. 7 through Aug. 11, from 10 p.m. to 4:30 a.m.
Talbot Road South between northbound I-405 on-ramp to the southbound I-405 off-ramp will be fully closed each night for I-405 Direct Connector Project.
Aug. 7 through Aug. 11, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The northbound Talbot Road South between northbound I-405 on-ramp to the southbound I-405 off-ramp will be closed for I-405 Direct Connector Project. Questions may be directed to Rohini Nair, 206-999-1822.
- East Valley Highway
Aug. 7 through Aug. 11, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Single lane closure of Eastbound and Westbound SE 180th Street between northbound SR 167 on-ramp to the East Valley Road due to roadway construction. Questions may be directed to Rohini Nair, 206-999-1822.
- SR 169
Aug. 10 through Aug. 12
WSDOT maintenance crews will be working along with City maintenance crews on SR-169 (Maple Valley Highway) at night. Questions may be directed to Justin Johnson, 425-430-7291.
- Rainier Avenue South
Aug. 15, from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m.
Possible lane closures on Rainier Avenue at South Second Street for utility construction. Approved traffic control plans have been issued for all work and will be followed. Questions may be directed to Pat Miller, 206-794-6162.
July 31 through approximately Oct. 6
WSDOT will be repaving and installing sidewalk upgrades along a portion of Maple Valley Highway (SR 169) between 140th Avenue SE (MP 22.86) and Cedar River Park (MP 24.84). Construction will occur during daytime and nighttime hours.