Renton steps up, Salvation Army to give Thanksiving meal to 600 families

Thanksgiving is saved for the Salvation Army and needy families in the area, thanks to local efforts.

Thanksgiving is saved for the Salvation Army and needy families in the area, thanks to local efforts.

Last week found the Salvation Army Renton Rotary Food Bank in need of about 600 turkeys to go in its annual Thanksgiving food baskets. The center only had two turkeys as of mid-week.

Now, thanks to community donations at Fred Meyer over the weekend and to the food bank, the organization will be able to fulfill its need list and then some.

“I am happy to report that God has provided not only enough turkeys for our Thanksgiving food boxes, we will also be able to use them in the Christmas food boxes as well,” wrote Beverly Storey, Salvation Army social services director in an email.

Storey was confident last week that somehow they would find the turkeys they needed to go in the boxes and it looks as though she was right.

The Salvation Army had been signing up families for the meals for the past eight weeks. They are handing out the Thanksgiving meals to those registered for them this week at the food bank in downtown Renton.