Renton Police Department says goodbye to K9 Odin

Odin is retiring after eight years of distinguished service for the department.

After 8 years of distinguished service, the Renton Police Department is saying goodbye and wishing a happy retirement to a K9 unit named Odin. K9 Odin’s last day of service was Jan. 16.

“We want to thank him and his handlers: Officer Lane (2 years) and Officer Moynihan (6 years), for their outstanding service during their tenure working with K9 Odin,” the Renton Police Department said in a statement regarding his retirement.

The department says K9 Odin has been a valued member of the Renton Police Department, assisting officers in the city and surrounding region when called to track suspects, participate in training exercises, engage with local youth, and support area specialty units.

Odin is well-known in the Renton community as he has made numerous appearances at community engagement events, such as Renton PD’s Community Police Academies and school visits, whether to do meet-and-greets or training demonstrations.

According to Renton Police, he will spend his well-earned retirement living at home with Officer Moynihan and his family, eating treats and sleeping in.

The K9 unit’s partner Officer Moynihan said, “Odin has always been a goofball, although you would never know it when you walked past him in a patrol car. Odin has always had a reputation for being friendly around the department, but no one who has seen him work would want to try and hide from him. Odin ran hard and played hard. I will always be grateful for our time together. I will never forget the thrill of the chase behind Odin on a good track, and I could not imagine trusting another partner, human or animal, in the same way. My daughters and I are excited to give him a comfortable, well-earned retirement.”