Renton grants available for arts, culture activities

The Renton Municipal Arts Commission is accepting proposals for the 2011 “Make Art Happen in Renton” Small Grant Program, which supports projects that increase opportunities for arts and culture activities. In addition, the the commission is accepting proposals from arts and culture organizations to attend training opportunities that will build the capacity of its staff, volunteers or board.

The Renton Municipal Arts Commission is offering financial grants to the Renton arts and cultural community.

The commission is accepting proposals for the 2011 “Make Art Happen in Renton” Small Grant Program, which supports projects that increase opportunities for arts and culture activities.  In addition, the the commission is accepting proposals from arts and culture organizations to attend training opportunities that will build the capacity of its staff, volunteers or board.

The grant opportunities are consistent with Renton’s Arts & Culture Master Plan adopted by the Renton City Council in August 2010, which can be viewed on the Arts & Culture Master Plan webpage.

The commission anticipates awarding approximately 10 awards for up to $250 each. Artists and organizations promoting art within Renton can apply for funding. Applications are due Friday, Sept. 16.  Grant awards will be announced by Sept. 30 and projects must be completed by Dec. 31.

For more information and an application, visit or contact 425-430-6582 or