The City of Renton has installed a speed camera on South Second Street near Renton High School as part of its continuing enforcement campaign against drivers who speed, run red lights, and do not stop for school buses.
A 41-year-old convicted sex offender this week pleaded not guilty to three charges of rape stemming from a series of assaults over a six-month period in Renton.
Two new people recently joined Renton Area Youth and Family Services Board of Directors. They are Sara Barbee and Marilyn Sullivan.
Four-thousand miles. On a bike. That’s the length of Journey of Hope. Greg Brandt of Renton plans to make this trip with his fraternity brothers next summer.
Construction workers are picking up the pace widening Interstate -405 and southbound SR 167 in Renton and Tukwila.
With record attendance and near-record profits, the 18th Annual Return to Renton Benefit Car Show And Cruise last Sunday (July 6) was a resounding success.
Hayley Ruhnka starts summer school Monday. A science summer school, for teachers, at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.
A huge crowd descended on downtown Renton Sunday for the 18th Annual Benefit Car show and Cruise – the first time the show has been held downtown.
Breakfast with Santa, craft bazaars, the senior picnic at Renton River Days, a Hawaiian Luau, a ‘50s party and the annual Senior Review (talent show). These are just some of the events Wendy Kirchner organized during her nine years as recreation programmer at Renton Senior Activity Center.
A look at events happening in Renton.
Daniel Hooker of Tiffany Park Elementary School won second place in a recent Seattle Aquarium annual art contest called “Your Ocean – Our Home.”
More than 80 Renton residents have signed up with King County Metro Transit’s “In Motion” program to encourage healthier travel. The program is kicking off just as local residents are dealing with major construction along the Interstate 405 corridor.
Renton Salvation Army Capt. Terry Masango estimates use at the Salvation Army Renton Rotary Food Bank increases 10 to 15 percent during the summer months.
“Generally, it goes up in the summer while the kids are at home,” he says.
And that increase is on top of the increase the food bank is experiencing due to what Masango calls the “harsh economic environment.”
The King Conservation District Board of Supervisors has hired Jeffrey Possinger as new executive director.
King County Executive Ron Sims wants a 25-cent fare increase on Metro buses to help offset rising fuel costs and avoid having to cut any service.
The King County Flood Control Zone District is beginning its first season of levee repairs and other flood-prevention projects on local rivers, some of which are designed to protect homes and businesses in Renton.
Hannah eats lunch every day in the community room at Royal Hills Apartments. She has for maybe three or four years. Otherwise she would probably heat a frozen dinner for lunch. But that wouldn’t include games with friends. The 9-year-old was playing Trouble after a recent lunch of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, apples, trail mix and milk.
Investigators said the fire that destroyed the Carnation-area home of Eighth Congressional District candidate Darcy Burner was caused by a malfunctioning electrical device, according to Sgt. John Urquhart of the King County Sheriff’s Office.
It’s a question that haunts Paul Dunn.
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