Washington State University, along with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, is about to score a major touchdown with 11-year-old Ben Comer of Renton.
A 29-year-old man from the Bonney Lake area died in a fiery crash on southbound Interstate 405 at about 6:45 a.m. Friday that backed up traffic for miles through Renton during the morning commute.
Scores from last school year’s Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL) were recently released by the state’s education office and Renton has a lot to celebrate.
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More than 160 new teachers, principals and other administrators join Renton School District this year, replacing retiring and relocating staff.
The Washington Assessment of Student Learning scores for individual schools are available at the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Web site at www.k12.wa.us
WASL (Washington Assessment of Student Learning) scores are back, and Renton School District staff isn’t celebrating universal increases, as it was last year. But staff isn’t bemoaning universal decreases either.
Gene Kolczynski earned his teaching degree in 1974, but became a teacher just two years ago.
Calendar Submissions
Chris Wood came close to predicting the future about the fate of the Blue Jays softball team at last weekend’s Special Olympics 2008 Summer Sport Classic in Everett.
Starting on Sept. 16 the City of Renton will begin issuing citations to motorists who exceed the speed limit at McKnight Middle School and Renton High School, as part of the city’s program to use cameras to catch speeders.
Renton Public Library has long been stocked with resources for children and teens, including books, CDs and DVDs. Both the downtown and Highlands branches have also long featured storytimes for preschoolers and up, plus a summer reading program for youngsters. But that’s where the youth programs ended — until new children’s librarian Jessica Marie started last November.
Calendars are published Wednesdays and Saturdays on a space-available basis. Items for the Wednesday edition must be submitted by noon the previous Thursday. Items for the Saturday edition must be submitted by noon the previous Tuesday. Submit items to calendar@reporternewspapers.com.
Growing up with five siblings, Bob Bridge’s family wasn’t poor, but they weren’t rich either. His dad had a job, but the family didn’t own a house or a car.
Renton Technical College has received a $400,000 grant that will help medical workers climb their way up on the career ladder in a hospital.
The third annual Art and Antique Walk, sponsored by Arts Unlimited, is 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. today (Saturday) in downtown Renton.
The boarded-up Donalisa Motel, a downtown eyesore where the homeless occasionally lived and neighbors say drug deals were made, is gone.