Metro plans fall route changes

King County Metro Transit is ready to roll out the first of its six RapidRide lines, along with other new bus routes, and schedule and routing adjustments.

All are part of Metro’s fall service change that begins Saturday.

Locally, revisions to Metro routes serving the Renton area include:

Route 149 – On weekdays, Route 149 will be extended to Enumclaw providing 90-minute service frequency during midday hours. Three weekday trips before 6 a.m. will be discontinued between Black Diamond and the Renton Transit Center.

Routes 101, 105, 110, 148 & 342 – Select trips will be discontinued.

Bus riders should check fall schedules for the routes they use most often to see what’s new. They can prepare by picking up a new orange timetable, Special Rider Alert brochure, or use the online Trip Planner for some advance research. Be sure to input a date of Oct. 2 or later, when using the Trip Planner.