Man attacked with shovel. Twice. | POLICE BLOTTER PART 2

The following information was compiled from Renton Police Department case reports.

The following information was compiled from Renton Police Department case reports.

A Renton man was hit in the head with shovel early Aug. 21 as he tried to get an unwanted young visitor to leave.

That was just the beginning.

She had arrived at the house at about 5:30 a.m., drunk, pushed her way in and attacked a woman who was still in bed.

The man was able to take away a shovel after she hit him with it and held her at bay until officers arrived.

At first she told officers she was 26; then she changed that to 16.

The victim, a 42-year-old man, told officers they were friends.

No one wanted to file charges, so the girl was taken home to her mother.

At about 7 a.m., police were called to the victim’s home again. He had just been hit in the head with a shovel and the assailants had driven off.

He told officers the girl had returned. This time she ran inside the house and told him to lock the door. He saw a man and woman climbing through his living-room window. The woman resembled the girl’s mother.

The victim called 911 and ran through the front door. The man grabbed the same shovel and hit him several times, including in the back of the head, until the shovel broke.

He was taken to Valley Medical Center, which determined his cheek was fractured.

He didn’t want to press charges but he did want a protection order against the girl and her family.

Specialized bike rides off

The Specialized mountain bicycle was well hidden in the yard to keep in safe on Lake Washington Boulevard.

But the owner discovered it missing on Aug. 21. The thief must have known where he kept it or maybe spent a long time in the yard looking for valuables.

The mountain bike is red, with a rack and pack on the back. A tire pump is attached to the frame.

Heroin users arrested for shoplifting

A 39-year-old Seattle woman who shoplifts to feed her heroin addiction was arrested Aug. 19 at Wal-Mart on Rainier Avenue South.

Store security watched as she gathered clothing, health-care products and other merchandise worth $324. She was arrested for third-degree theft as she left the store without paying.

The woman, who was cooperative and compliant, was booked into the SCORE regional jail.

Cat killed by neighbor’s dog

Tiger the cat died in its owner’s arms Aug. 18 after being attacked in the back yard by the neighbor’s dog.

The owner was taking out the trash when he saw the mouth of a large brown dog hanging open over Tiger’s head.

He yelled, and the dog headed toward him. He yelled again, and the dog ran off toward his own yard through an opening in the wood fence.

It appeared the fence had been pushed in from the dog’s yard.

The dog is a mix of Labrador, Stafford terrier and Husky, with two blue eyes. He has lived with the family for about two months and had shown no signs of aggression.

Tiger’s owner requested that the incident be documented and a Potentially Dangerous Dog declaration was issued.