Kiwanis Club of Renton to hold Annual Golf Classic

The Kiwanis Club of Renton 22nd Annual Golf Classic will be held April 27, at the Maplewood Golf Course. The proceeds will benefit the Renton Kiwanis Clothes Bank, Salvation Army Food Bank, Key Club, college scholarships and the Renton School District’s Children’s Christmas Party.

The Kiwanis Club of Renton 22nd Annual Golf Classic will be held April 27, at the Maplewood Golf Course.

The proceeds will benefit the Renton Kiwanis Clothes Bank, Salvation Army Food Bank, Key Club, college scholarships and the Renton School District’s Children’s Christmas Party.

Shotgun start is at 1 p.m.

The fee is  $75 per person and $300 per team, which includes greens fee, cart, door prizes and the awards dinner.

For further information or to obtain an entry form, call Roxie, 425-271-6496 or Tom Tasa, 425-271-3815 .

All entries need to be in the mail by April 20.