King County Conservation District native plant sale ends Monday

The District offers a variety of native trees and shrubs for conservation purposes, including wildlife habitat, windbreaks, hedgerows, reforestation, and stream enhancement.

The King County Conservation District’s native bareroot plant sale is under way, but time is almost up for those looking to place an order..

The District offers a variety of native trees and shrubs for conservation purposes, including wildlife habitat, windbreaks, hedgerows, reforestation, and stream enhancement.

The plants are bareroot stock, which means they do not come in pots or burlap bags, but are harvested from the field in winter when the plants are dormant and ready to be replanted.

Bareroot plants are affordable, hardy, have well-developed roots, and are easy to handle, transport and plant.

To order and pay for your plants by credit card online at The minimum order $30. All orders must be pre-paid. Purchase orders are acceptable for agencies, businesses and nonprofit organizations.

All orders must be placed by Feb. 17 and are to be picked up from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 1 at the King Conservation District, 1107 SW Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057.

No delivery is available.

Quantities are limited. All plants are sold on a first-come, first served basis. Nearly 50,000 native plants have been pre-ordered and some species are running out. The district will also have about 10,000 plants available for walk-up sales on the day of the event.

For more information, call Jacobus Saperstein at 425-282-1912, or email

The following native plants are available:

CONIFEROUS TREES: Douglas Fir, Grand Fir, Noble Fir, Shore Pine, Sitka Spruce, Hemlock, Western Red Cedar.

DECIDUOUS TREES: Black Hawthorn, Cascara, Oregon Ash, Oregon White Oak, Pacific Crabapple, Vine Maple, Western Flowering Dogwood.

SHRUBS: Black Twinberry, Blue Elderberry, Red Elderberry, Evergreen Huckleberry, Indian Plum, Mock Orange, Nootka Rose, Pacific Ninebark, Pacific Rhododendron, Red Flowering Current, Red Osier Dogwood, Serviceberry, Snowberry, Tall Oregon Grape, Thimbleberry.

GROUNDCOVERS: Coastal Strawberry, Kinnikinnick, Low Oregon Grape, Salal, Sword Fern.