
For your furry friends, prevention is the best medicine

Animal Health Care Center emphasizes why quality care matters, from the start

“A great deal isn’t just about what you pay – it’s about what you get for what you pay.”

If you have pets, that’s a key distinction, says KC, the General Manager from Renton’s Animal Health Care Center.

Recognizing that you have a lot of choices for pet care, it’s important to determine the value you get for that care.

“Often customers assume the Animal Health Care Center is a specialty clinic because other vets refer to us, but we’re a small animal general practice known for solving difficult cases,” KC says.

With Dr. Tracy Wood at the helm of the family-owned veterinary practice for 21 years, what you’ll find is a depth of knowledge and experience that’s unmatched by many other practices, and a team that cares for each patient like their own furry family members.

Prevention is the best pet medicine

Unlike health care for humans, veterinary care is not subsidized, and each practice pays roughly the same amount for medications and materials, KC notes.

That means practices that appear to provide less expensive care may actually find those savings elsewhere, such as charging for “extras” that others include with care, not providing certain services at all, paying staff less or hiring less-experienced staff. Others may skip preventive care opportunities, treating ongoing symptoms instead.

If Fido has an ongoing skin condition, for example, it’s more beneficial for your dog – and you – to determine the cause of the irritation, rather than repeatedly treating the symptoms with ongoing medications, KC explains.

“We are a preventive medicine practice and we’re going to advocate for your pet first,” he emphasizes.

Good health starts early

Like our own health, good animal healthcare starts early. Because an animal’s first few years are often more expensive, and rescuing or adopting an animal can also bring pre-existing conditions to address, Dr. Wood and her team provide discounted care for the first few years after adoption: 25 percent off for your first year with a new pet and 20 per cent off for years two and three.

The team also understands that unexpected pet care can be expensive for families. All prospective care is reviewed and approved by the pet owner before work is undertaken, allowing you to make an individualized care plan.

The 2006-built modern clinic includes a full complement of diagnostic and treatment tools, including ultrasound and dental x-rays, which can quickly provide a clear picture of what’s happening with your pet. While dental care without an x-ray may remove tartar build-up, for example, it won’t reveal tooth disease happening beneath the surface that’s putting your pet at risk for much bigger health issues.

“Real quality care is worth something, and we’re willing to prove it,” KC says. No wonder the Animal Health Care Center has repeatedly been voted “Best of Renton!”

Conveniently located at 504 Renton Center Way SW, call 425-203-9000 or visit ahrenton.com/appointments to book your appointment today.

At the Animal Health Care Center, all prospective care is reviewed and approved by the pet owner before work is undertaken, allowing you to make an individualized care plan.

At the Animal Health Care Center, all prospective care is reviewed and approved by the pet owner before work is undertaken, allowing you to make an individualized care plan.

For your furry friends, prevention is the best medicine

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