Based on the Adam Sandler movie and performed by the talented 13- through 19-year-olds as part of Renton Civic Theatre’s 29th annual Summer Teen Musical program, “The Wedding Singer” takes us back to a time when hair was big, greed was good, collars were up, and a wedding singer might just be the coolest guy in the room.
Set in 1985, rock star wanna-be Robbie Hart is New Jersey’s favorite wedding singer. When his fiancee leaves him at the altar, Robbie starts to make every wedding as disastrous as his own until he meets Julia. As luck would have it, Julia is about to marry a Wall Street shark and unless Robbie can pull off the performance of the decade, the girl of his dreams may be gone forever.
Directed by Vincent Orduna and starring teens from around the region, “The Wedding Singer’s” sparkling score does for the ’80s what Hairspray did for the ’60s.
Tickets are $15 and the show plays at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday through Aug. 10 at Renton Civic Theater, 507 S. Third St. For tickets, call the box office at 425-226-5529 or visit