Women deserve equal pay, equal time with family | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

"Women have been struggling to advance in a system that’s rigged against us. I was told that if I worked hard enough, I could accomplish anything. That’s just not true."

Women today carry much of the responsibility to keep our families together and healthy. School history tells us that because we can vote and work, we’ve really “made it.” And while those rights are great, I still struggle to survive in my day-to-day life. I am currently working two jobs so I can buy food and house my family, but I rarely see them. When I do, I’m so exhausted the quality of that shared time takes a hit. As a woman of color, why am I forced to choose between money to support my family and time with them? I lose either way. I deserve equal pay, equal opportunity and equal time with my loved ones.

Women have been struggling to advance in a system that’s rigged against us. I was told that if I worked hard enough, I could accomplish anything. That’s just not true. I still make less than a man doing the same work. Now is the time to take action and fight for fair treatment of all women and girls. I have joined a movement called Stand with Women. This movement aims to fight for freedom, family values, fairness and opportunity. I want every community member and elected official in Renton to Stand with Women too. Unless you do, you are standing in the way.

I stand with women.

Mary Le Nguyen,