We want more coverage

Were you serious in your online report (March 4, RentonReporter.com) about the alleged rape of a student at Lindbergh High School when you quoted Randy Matheson saying he “sent emails to concerned community members” addressing that issue? Is that why there has been no coverage of this incident in the Renton Reporter?  And, who got the emails?

Recently, a Renton pastor was splattered all over the media, including the Renton Reporter for alleged rape and molestation of a young girl. That story was aggressively and sensationally reported by KIRO 7 T.V., which is where I first saw the Lindbergh story. They say there is an ongoing investigation which indicates the story is still live, yet the local designated newspaper for Renton has been silent. The dad stated he “worries that school officials want his daughter’s case to go away.”  Their sending ‘emails’ to a select few and the silence of the Renton Reporter makes me wonder, too.

We, the public, have a right to expect the Renton Reporter to knock on doors and dig deep, along with KIRO 7 news reporters  (as they did with the Royce Shorter drama), and keep the public informed without disparity. We  deserve to know the truth about what happens in our schools and the district needs to make certain everyone involved, including the public, is adequately advised via the media.

Beatrice Clark, Renton