Terri Briere has a proven track record | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

"Terri Briere has been a very thoughtful and reasoned council member taking positions on issues that have ultimately been truly representative of the entire city."

In my eight years at the Renton Chamber of Commerce I had the opportunity of interfacing and working closely with two mayors and eleven different council members. Their majority led the city in some really good times, through the recession and into the current recovery.

We would not have the Landing or the Seahawks headquartered here without the vision and leadership of this handful of dedicated Rentonites.

Terri Briere has been a very thoughtful and reasoned council member taking positions on issues that have ultimately been truly representative of the entire city. She does not grandstand or sniff the political wind, but carefully and quietly considers all sides of every issue before taking a position.

In today’s uncertain times we must guard against city government moving in directions that may placate a small, dysfunctional but very vocal slice of Renton.

We have come a long way in the past decade and are uniquely positioned to continue positive, controlled growth in the future. But only with city staff and elected folks that are not beholden to a faction, but can represent the entire population of Renton as Terri Briere does.

I heartily support Terri’s candidacy for reelection to Council Position 6 and ask you to do the same.

Bill Taylor,
Retired Renton Chamber of Commerce CEO