Sand sidewalks near bus station

Please let newspaper readers know about the bad thing that happened to my wife Emo about a year ago.

Please let newspaper readers know about the bad thing that happened to my wife Emo about a year ago.

It was a rainy cold day. My wife and I started walking on sidewalk from our building to Renton Transit Center in order to take a bus. When we arrived at the transit center, there was black ice on the sidewalk. Because of our ages (80 plus) and bad vision, we didn’t see it and my wife fell. She couldn’t stand up and had much pain. Thanks to a young boy, who had a cell phone and called 911, the paramedics arrived very quickly and took her to Valley Medical Center Emergency Department. The X-ray showed a broken shoulder. Later, after another X-ray, the orthopedic doctor told her that she suffered a broken pelvis, too!

Her fall could have been avoided if the sidewalk had had sand and salt on it.

Now, when the weather is wintry, is the time to think what can be done by the city for bus riders to prevent similar situations. Many people are in a hurry to catch a bus and running in the Renton Transit Center area could be very dangerous.

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