Rob McKenna is the able candidate | Letter to the editor

As an Independent voter, having viewed several of the governor candidate debates, I see an informed intelligent candidate in Rob McKenna and an empty chair when it comes to his opponent Jay Inslee.

As an Independent voter, having viewed several of the governor candidate debates, I see an informed intelligent candidate in Rob McKenna and an empty chair when it comes to his opponent Jay Inslee.

Rob McKenna deals with the facts and the reality of the state’s present fiscal problems. Whereas Jay Inslee bases everything in his plans for “Lean Efficiency,” better known as the lean management.

He continues to try attaching the bi-partisan legislative “land swap” idea to Rob McKenna, even after it has been explained to him by Rob McKenna and others that it is one of the ideas being considered by our legislators to comply with the Supreme Court’s ruling on education funding, not by Rob McKenna.

If Jay Inslee truly believes in Lean Management as the answer, why didn’t he attempt to utilize in his years in Congress during the doubling of our national debt in the last four years? The Congress which he was a member has accomplished little; this is a Congress which has the lowest approval ratings in U.S. history. He has voted down party lines 92 percent of his votes and 99 percent in the 111th Congress.

I see another Washington, D.C., partisan life-time politician, hoping to get the Democratic voters to vote him into office on that fact only. Not on his ability or experience to actually be the chief executive for the state. I hope they prove to him and others that their vote will be based upon the candidate’s ability and past history, not party affiliation.

Harry Kodis
