Renton needs spectacle space

Renton needs grand civic spectacles and 24/7 districts to attract visitors, and the Renton city center is the place for these investments. The City of Renton does not have a regional draw and has not had one since Longacres left.

Renton needs grand civic spectacles and 24/7 districts to attract visitors, and the Renton city center is the place for these investments. The City of Renton does not have a regional draw and has not had one since Longacres left.

However, the current plan for Renton is to build transit-oriented communities and coerce everyone into filling in these transit-oriented communities. The current plan is bereft of significant civic spectacle space, and 24/7 districts, and as a result will fail to centralize a community. The people of Renton need to know that if Proposition 1 passes and the lane mile restrictions are implemented, the citizens of Renton will be subjected to carrot-and-stick social engineering to fill in the transit-oriented communities, and the Sound Transit corridor, where they will live without civic spectacles or 24/7 districts.

The people of Renton need to be aware of what Proposition 1 really means to them. Vote no on Proposition 1 and demand significant civic spectacle space open 24/7 in Renton and link that civic spectacle to the region.

John Worthington
