Possibly the publication of Norm Abrahamson’s letter

Possibly the publication of Norm Abrahamson’s letter in Wednesday’s Renton Reporter was the result of a slow news week, but the triteness and ignorance shown by the writer needs a dose of enlightenment. Since Norm was into the “numbers,” I will start by saying, “It is better to light ‘one’ little candle than to curse the darkness.” That’s the first ray of light. Second, millions and millions of people across the nation have protested the war in Iraq, but it still continues. Still talking about numbers.

Protests make

a difference

Possibly the publication of Norm Abrahamson’s letter in Wednesday’s Renton Reporter was the result of a slow news week, but the triteness and ignorance shown by the writer needs a dose of enlightenment. Since Norm was into the “numbers,” I will start by saying, “It is better to light ‘one’ little candle than to curse the darkness.” That’s the first ray of light. Second, millions and millions of people across the nation have protested the war in Iraq, but it still continues. Still talking about numbers.

Third, one woman by the name of Madalyn Murray O’Hair was instrumental in the Supreme Court’s decision to ban organized prayer in pubic schools. Fourth, let’s not forget one woman named Rosa Parks who refused to stand for a white man on the bus which set off the Montgomery boycott resulting in desegregation of the transportation system. Fifth, only a few years ago gays were in the “closet,” but because a few came out, so did thousands, gradually, and now they are being granted marriage licenses. Sixth, anyone who has a problem with the power of just one or a “handful” of voices probably never heard about a woman named Harriett Tubman and what she accomplished.

Obviously the writer of the letter has nothing constructive to do with his time but criticize those who are standing for what they believe in. As a white person, I don’t like the n-word either and understand why the people who have suffered most from its use are taking a stand against it. That would explain why they are the ones holding up the signs. I say more power to them.

Joel Beachman
