Jones showed work experience | Letter to the editor

Respectfully, King Parker did not attend the Leisure Estates candidate forum; I assume that he is receiving the story second hand without understanding the context and intent that the comment was made. The comment came during a period when the candidates were asked to present their background.

Respectfully, King Parker did not attend the Leisure Estates candidate forum; I assume that he is receiving the story second hand without understanding the context and intent that the comment was made. The comment came during a period when the candidates were asked to present their background. The intent was to highlight my strong work experience, through my work at Boeing. I realize that my meaning may not have been clear and I apologize for any misunderstanding of my comment. Boeing is a very important part of my personal life, and of course our community. Mary and I work for Boeing, and I am proud of my endorsement by the IAM 751. Keeping Boeing in Renton is one of my highest priorities and I’m looking forward to working in unison with the mayor and City Council toward ensuring that result. It’s a privilege to work with such a talented group of people every day. Thank you.

Robin Jones
