Irony at City Hall | Letter to the editor

It is ironic to read that Mayor Law (Renton Reporter, March 23, 2012, State of the City address) is contemplating a tax increase, while the city is still going forward with the library project.

It is ironic to read that Mayor Law (Renton Reporter, March 23, 2012, State of the City address) is contemplating a tax increase, while the city is still going forward with the library project.  It is ironic that King County just updated its Web site regarding its long-term budget shortfall, while the Renton city attorney has the idea that interlocal agreements are written in stone. It is ironic that the city and the county are both suffering from reduced revenues, while the city leaders are stubbornly holding onto the idea that spending money on new libraries is a smart move.  When will the day come when the City of Renton manages its finances like Renton families are forced to do every day? It’s just too ironical, isn’t it?

Inez Petersen
