Has a prime piece of waterfront property been taken ov

Has a prime piece of waterfront property been taken over by the “Canadians?”


displace osprey

Has a prime piece of waterfront property been taken over by the “Canadians?”

Something quite interesting has been happening this season in regards to our coveted “osprey” nest in lower Kennydale.

One day when I looked out to see if the osprey had returned for the season, I was stunned. Could it be possible that I was seeing a pair of Canadian geese in the nest? What type of geese raise their young up in the air like that? They must be “nuts,” is what I determined.

Soon it became clear that a battle was ensuing for “rights” to this piece of property in Lake Washington. The osprey did in fact return one afternoon, and one even landed on the camera and the other in the nest. But alas they could not stay for long. An uproar ensued over just whose “nest” this was now, for days leading to the departure of the osprey for other grounds. Their nest had been contaminated by these invaders, and it looks like they have moved on, leaving their long-held rights to the waterfront to the “Canadians.”

All of us who have watched many young begin their maiden flights in our yards are sure to miss this pair of osprey. Let’s hope that the geese will move on next season and give this nest back to the “Americans.”

Marsha Hertel
