Grossnickle endorses Joos for Valley board

After meeting with both candidates for Valley Medical Center Commissioner, I have decided to endorse Paul Joos, M.D. As the third candidate in the primary, I attended several candidate forums and interviews and I found Dr. Joos to be the best-qualified candidate for this important position.

After meeting with both candidates for Valley Medical Center Commissioner, I have decided to endorse Paul Joos, M.D. As the third candidate in the primary, I attended several candidate forums and interviews and I found Dr. Joos to be the best-qualified candidate for this important position.

Mary Alice Heuschel is the hand-picked candidate of the hospital administration, whereas Dr. Joos will be an independent voice who will get the salaries of over-paid administrators under control and will make sure taxpayer’s money is not wasted.

This endorsement in no way reflects my thoughts on Mary Alice Heuschel’s performance as the superintendent of the Renton School District. The students, teachers, parents and staff need and deserve her full attention dealing with the many problems facing the district. The district has budget problems and will have a bond issue to build a new school and make much-needed repairs to school district assets (such as the Lindbergh pool) on the ballot in February. Successfully resolving the budget problems and passing this bond are very important to our children and community. I know no school superintendent has the time to serve on a hospital commission while at the same time being a successful superintendent. There just are not enough hours in the day.

I have spoken to many people in region and most of them wonder why a school superintendent would run for such a time- consuming position.  One of the reasons Mary Alice Heuschel has given for running for hospital commission is the connection between health care and education a hospital board member can provide. This reason is tenuous at best and cannot be accomplished if she is serving on the hospital commission because she could not participate in board discussions affecting the Renton School District because of conflict of interest rules.

By electing Paul Joos we all win. The Valley Medical Center Board will benefit from Dr. Joos experience and the Renton School District will continue to have a full time superintendent who will not be distracted dealing with hospital issues and will be able to focus her full attention on successfully educating our children.

Jim Grossnickle
