Diane Dobson will be missed

Thank you for the article on Diane Dobson, written by Adam McFadden (Renton Reporter, Aug. 13, 2010). My observations from five years volunteering with the Hazen boys swim team is that Diane:

Accepted all students regardless of current skills; expected students to set challenging personal goals; provided training and support for students to exceed personal goals; maintained an environment of discipline and order by setting expectations and following through with consequences; provided results, often exceeding results from schools with better-prepared students and higher funding levels; had fun.

Diane fostered a pluralistic attitude: whether a swimmer was experienced or a novice; a native speaker, foreign exchange student or English Language Learner; main stream or special needs; everyone was a valued member of the team. Because of her dedication and attitude, her team grew each year. This is the good news about the Renton School District. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Diane for all she gave to her teams. She will be missed.

Christopher Carlson
