City of Fairwood is looking better

The article in the Feb. 13 Renton Reporter,”Fairwood digs into cityhood analysis,” needed a bit more editing. My young son and I attended the consultant’s presentation on Fairwood viability. The expert’s initial conclusion was that a City of Fairwood was viable, within the uncertainties of the report. However, the article does not mention a conclusion until literally the last line, and that in a quote from a consultant. Nowhere is the preliminary conclusion nominally favorable to incorporation mentioned. So while hitting most of the main points, the story really missed out on the biggest issue.

We have only lived in Fairwood a short time. I’m a partisan of neither annexation nor incorporation. At the meeting it surprised me that the consultant’s draft report was so positive for the latter. So I quizzed them on a couple of assumptions, which they were happy to answer with humility. Based on what I’ve read and heard, the City of Fairwood is looking better, despite my favorable view of Renton.

Chris Cornuelle
