Join me in supporting both measures

I support Renton School District’s two measures on the Feb. 12 ballot. The school construction bond helps keep our schools in excellent working order and provides a great place for all children to learn; the replacement levy continues local support for teachers, nurses, bus drivers, counselors, school safety personnel and others.

And the great news is that we can all support these two measures and see our school district tax rates continue to drop (thanks to improved assessed value, the owner of a $400,000 home will save $462 each year).

Whether you have children or grandchildren currently in your local schools or not, all children deserve a comfortable, safe environment to learn. And school buildings maintained in good working condition help keep our communities safe and vibrant and helps improve our property value.

I believe both the bond and the levy are well planned and thought out and the tax savings is well worth the services and safety our children and ultimately our entire community receive.

Please join me in support of both measures on the ballot and return your ballot before Feb. 12.

Jackie Connell

Delaney, Avery & Joely’s mom

McKnight PTA Vice President

Renton High School PTA Secretary