Hey, you. Put down that cell phone and drive | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

"As a relative of someone who just received a concussion being struck by a red-light-running driver on a cell phone, I am furious that people like this have such little consideration and thought."

On Wednesday I was nearly hit head-on by a driver with New York plates on WA-900, as he traveled toward Renton.

This driver was shouting/yelling, tailgating a woman with kids in her Subaru and (foolishly) texting with his left hand pinning a cell phone to his steering wheel and his right hand tapping away. No wonder he swerved out into the oncoming lane of traffic.

I know this road is hazardous, barely able to contain the sheer volume of drivers, let alone clueless drivers like this. As a relative of someone who just received a concussion being struck by a red-light-running driver on a cell phone, I am furious that people like this have such little consideration and thought.

ALL phone calls/contacts can wait; driving safely and courteously is prerequisite.

Ben Kinkade,